Thursday, October 15, 2009

J.A. Fair High School

My first Little Rock Daily Photo! I'm so excited to be starting again:). When I moved, I also lost my camera and the one I have now isn't nearly as advanced as the one I was using for Chapel Hill Daily Photo. And can you believe I let that stop me?:). Everytime I look at City Daily Photo though, I'm reinspired and yesterday, I said what the hey..simple camera or not, I'm going to start taking pictures of this cool little city:).

I teach a dance class at this high school twice a week. JA Fair has a mixed reputation these days but the teachers in this program for instance are really trying to restore the school to it's old glory of academic excellence. Yay for them:).

I took this picture just as I was about to leave for the evening. THat bus is one of three that take the students home after the program is over. Sweet huh? :).


  1. Glad to see you back in CDP! A tiny camera never stopped me — in fact I chose it so I could bring it with me everyday and everywhere! :D

    I hope you like your new town. I love the weeping willow!

  2. Hey there! Good luck with your brand new blog!
